

  • 时间:2024-06-06


关于旅游的英语情景对话篇1 K:Gee, this land is so flat!凯西:咦,这里的地真是平坦!E:The Netherlands literally means the down lands, which of course means the lowlands.艾凡:荷兰字面上的意思是洼地,当然就是低地的意思。

有关旅游英语的对话篇1 Kate: I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport.我最讨厌在机场等著转机了。Zhang Hong: Really? I think its interesting.真的吗?我倒觉得挺好的。

好用的旅游英语口语1 They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last spring.它们看上去就像去年春天我们在郁金香花展上见过的郁金香花。And what a riot of color there is with all kinds of flowers in blossom!各种各样的花竞相开放,真是五彩缤纷。

旅游英语常用口语对话:精选单句 Do you have any plan for the approaching summer holiday?暑假就要到了,你有什么计划吗?Im going to travel in Sydney for 2 weeks after resignation.辞职之后我要去悉尼旅游两个月。

旅游英语口语对话一 客人: I’d like to know what time the meals are served.我想知道三餐的供应时间。

有关于旅游的英语口语2 Would you like jewellery?您要不要首饰?Today is Mothers Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Richs.今天是母亲节,瑞奇店的所有首饰全部折价出售。


旅游英语常用口语对话:Conversation 1 A: Judy said that you are going on a trip this summer?朱迪说你这个夏天要去旅游?B: Yes, but I havent decided yet.是的,但是我还没决定。

旅行中常用句子 How was your flight?(旅程怎么样啊?trip)Its OK.(还好。)All right How can I get to Minshan hotel?(我怎样才能到civil aviation hotel?)You can get there by bus or by taxi(你可以坐公共汽车或是坐出租车。

基本的旅游英语口语一 Key Sentences重点句子 Its interesting that as a financial center London looks so different from New York.真有趣,伦敦作为金融中心看起来和纽约大不一样。

旅游英语口语对话一 客人: I’d like to know what time the meals are served.我想知道三餐的供应时间。


第三,坚持每天晨读。晨读一定要大声朗读,时间不必 过于长,大概20分钟便可。晨读是为了能让你更扎实的掌握发音,加强你对英语口语的熟悉,发音地道了,口语自然而然的就琉璃了。长期的坚持这样练习口语的技巧,就能更加有效、快速的提升托福口语水平。

I made a reservation and Id like to check in.我预定了房间,现在想办理住宿登记。

外出旅游,去酒店订房间要怎么用英语沟通呢?下面是我整理的关于酒店房间的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!我们想要两间邻接的双人房 Staff:Good afternoon, ladies. May I help you?下午好,女士们。 我能效劳吗?Mary:Can we have two adjoining double rooms, sir?我们想要两间邻接的双人房。


1、好用的旅游英语口语1 They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last spring.它们看上去就像去年春天我们在郁金香花展上见过的郁金香花。And what a riot of color there is with all kinds of flowers in blossom!各种各样的花竞相开放,真是五彩缤纷。

2、旅游英语常用口语对话:Conversation 1 A: Judy said that you are going on a trip this summer?朱迪说你这个夏天要去旅游?B: Yes, but I havent decided yet.是的,但是我还没决定。

3、复述是在没有人对话的情况下提高口语最有效的途径之一。 自述。这一部分是练习自主表达,检验自己的学习效果。因为口语最终的目的是能清晰的表达出自己的想法,前面的两个方式都只是跟读或者朗读现有的内容,所以,这个训练个人认为也是十分必要的。

4、旅游英语口语对话一 客人: I’d like to know what time the meals are served.我想知道三餐的供应时间。

5、旅游必备英语口语一 Closing an Account 注销账户 I11 transfer your money to a new account.我会把您的钱转到一个新户头上。Ill keep your money in your account. Please come again with your ID card.我会为您保留账上的款项,请拿上身份证再来。


关于去旅游的英语对话一 A:I hear you are planning to travel abroad.A:我听说你要到国外去旅行。B: Yes. Im going to the Untied States for travel. What places do you remend?B:是的,我要去美国旅游。

旅游英语场景对话1 on in, Kathy. I just put the kettle on. Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?艾凡:凯西,请进。我刚把壶放在炉火上开始煮开水,你想喝咖啡还是喝茶呢?would be fine, thanks. Coffee keeps me up at night.凯西:喝茶好了,谢谢。咖啡会使我晚上睡不着觉。

旅游英语口语对话一 客人: I’d like to know what time the meals are served.我想知道三餐的供应时间。

北京旅游英语对话一 如何谈论北京旅 *** 程 第一句:The morning is a bit tight but the afternnoon will be relaxing.早上行程会紧一些,下午就轻松了。


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